I’m Lindsay. I’m a feminist, human rights activist, and advocate who founded a consulting collective back in 2015. I’ve been working with + for international non-profits, UN agencies, and social movements my whole career with a brilliant team of shining stars.

I hit a pretty rough burnout moment, and learned a lot as I dug myself out. It was a wake-up call. To move through it, I called upon an amazing community of healers and supporters for whom I’m incredibly grateful. Through this process, I realized I needed to work in a different way. Now I want to share what I have learned.


I didn’t know it at the time of starting my business, but I was very well-suited for client-facing, mission-driven, justice-oriented entrepreneurship. I was a helper who was ready to show up and DO THE THINGS necessary to have an impact. I had a clear sense of my expertise, and I knew some amazing people and wanted to figure out how we could work together and take care of each other along the way.

7 years later, coming out of a pandemic, new motherhood, and a litany of events that compelled self-discovery and healing, here we are. Apparently doing ALLL the things isn’t the move? Also, apparently you have to acknowledge that you have a human body for it not to give up on you… To confront my burnout, I had to dig really deep to figure out the source of my helper identity. I had to get really honest about my core motivations and desires.

The Chrysocolla honors the 2015 version of myself. And (bless her) she needed a coach. Her business needed different levels of help at different moments. Lindsay of 2015 had the energy for and interest in figuring out what it meant to start and run a business; she wasn’t scared to fail. She was a sparkly, generative mass of adventure.

<<Spoiler>> I found her again; she’s not gone. But I had to spend some good time getting back to her.

If you’re here on this site, there’s a reason for it.

There are no accidents when it comes to the humans who come into your orbit in this life. Let’s figure out the connection together.